If only two per cent of businesses are for sale at any one time. Of those only one in five ever sell. Therefore it may not be surprising to learn when looking to buy a business, that most businesses are sold ‘off market’. Particularly the most desirable ones.
Of the business owners we approach, at least one in two entertain the idea of selling. So, even if some opportunities fall down at first contact, there is a willingness already there. The adage ‘any business is available at the right price’ holds true for most owners.
Furthermore, searching to acquire off market has two other advantages. Firstly, it means that you are often dealing directly with the business owner which means less distraction. Secondly, it means you can be talking to businesses which are a much better fit for your acquisition criteria.
So, if you find yourself limited in choice, or frustrated by on-market competition we can help. Unloq specialises in off market acquisition and helps many people and companies buy businesses off market. There is more opportunity to fish in the sea, than being crammed around a small fishing pond.