Unloq > Unloq Services > Cross-Border Acquisitions

Seeking the Right Cross-Border Acquisition?

If you’re a buyer and are seeking to acquire in another country or region, you may recognise some of the challenges our clients face:

  • You might have no team on the ground to help you originate
  • The potential cost deploying a team in one or more countries is prohibitive
  • You don’t know how many businesses fit your criteria
  • Company owners might be resistant to distant approaches
  • Time zones may cause headaches
  • There may be a language barrier to overcome

In the last year, we have helped buyers from Europe, North America, Asia, and Australasia identify and acquire privately-held businesses. In all cases, the target company was not listed for sale, but we used our M&A experience and origination capabilities to research, introduce, and bring these acquisitions to our clients.

We could do the same for you.


The Most Effective Approach

If you choose to work with Unloq, you will be working with a proven firm specialising in cross border acquisitions. We have access to multiple data sources and produce the best market mapping for clients across one or more countries.

We also do all the outreach for you and, on average, speak to over 50% of the decision makers of target businesses, and are highly skilled in explaining the rationale and bringing owners to the table for direct conversations.

Within 4-5 weeks, we will be bringing opportunities to you that fit your specific criteria for your review, and from that point, there will be ongoing introductions of fresh acquisition targets until the process is complete and you have acquired.

You will receive high quality, steady deal flow until you find the best possible fit. We source on-market acquisition opportunities from our extensive network, finding both marketed as well as ones that have been circulated privately. However, our main skill is that we are experts at finding and contacting off-market company owners and persuading them to talk to you.

We’re so confident we can help, that we share all of this with you. You have a real-time dashboard to track every conversation and a dedicated Consultant to manage your project – so you have all the visibility to ensure your project is heading in the right direction. And if you need local help: financial, accounting or legal, then we can recommend the best fitting solutions for you.

Helping you realise a successful outcome.


Mitigate Risk & Realise Value

Your options are limited. You could:

  • Move temporarily to the region and drive the process yourself, but this is costly and time-consuming, or
  • Hire staff and set up an office, but this is also expensive and comes with all the challenges of managing employees from another country, or
  • Engage a Corporate Finance firm, who will be able to help you, but with very high upfront fees and their own specific way of dealmaking, or
  • Choose Unloq, for a modest retainer with a short-term rolling contract, to be your eyes and ears in the regions.

All of these options will command significant financial outlay in one way or another, but only the last one allows you to start fast and explore opportunities quickly at low risk.

We have an outstanding team and all the experience needed to give you ‘feet on the ground.’

Contact us or browse our website to explore how we could represent you in APAC, North America, or Europe.

If you want to Unlock More Opportunity, Let’s Talk

There is only so much you can tell from our website.

Our commitment to client confidentiality means that we are
cautious about detailing specific clients or deals struck

At the same time, if you contact us, we can share examples of our work,
discuss projected outcomes and cover off how we can help you.

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Fourth Floor
Reading Bridge House

Contact:+44 (0) 1962 609 000

APAC Office

1 Sussex Street
NSW 2000

Contact:+61 (0) 417 671 854